Programmatic API


class jaeger.alerts.AlertsBot(fps)[source]

Bases: BaseBot

Monitors values and raises alerts.


fps (FPS)

async get_dew_point_temperarure()[source]

Returns the ambient and dew point temperatures.


Resets alerts and parameters.

set_keyword(keyword, new_value)[source]

Sets the value of an alert keyword and outputs it to the actor.

Returns a boolean indicating whether the value has changed.

Return type:


async shutdown_fps(nucs=False, gfas=False, cans=False)[source]

Shutdowns the robots and optionally other electronics.

async shutdown_gfas()[source]

Shutdowns the GFAs without touching the rest of the FPS.

async start(delay=False)[source]

Stars the monitoring loop.


delay (float | bool)

async stop()[source]

Stops the monitoring loop.


class jaeger.can.CANnetInterface(interface_type, channels, fps=None, interface_args=<factory>, status_interval=5)[source]

Bases: JaegerCAN[CANNetBus]

An interface class specifically for the CAN@net 200/420 device.

This class bahaves as JaegerCAN but allows communication with the device itself and tracks its status.


Handles a reply from the device (i.e., not from the CAN network).


msg (Message)

async start()[source]

Starts CAN@net connection.


Stops the interfaces.

property device_status

Returns a dictionary with the status of the device.

class jaeger.can.JaegerCAN(interface_type, channels, fps=None, interface_args=<factory>)[source]

Bases: Generic[Bus_co]

A CAN interface with a command queue and reply handling.

Provides support for multi-channel CAN networks, with each channel being able to host more than one bus. The recommended way to instantiate a new JaegerCAN object is using the create classmethod

can = await JaegerCAN.create(...)

which is equivalent to

can = JaegerCAN(...)
await can.start()
  • interface_type (str) – One of INTERFACES.

  • channels (list | tuple) – A list of channels to be used to instantiate the interfaces.

  • fps (jaeger.fps.FPS | None) – The focal plane system.

  • interface_args (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments to pass to the interfaces when initialising it (e.g., port, baudrate, etc).

async classmethod create(profile=None, fps=None, interface_type=None, channels=[], interface_args={})[source]

Create and initialise a new bus interface from a configuration profile.

This is the preferred method to initialise a new JaegerCAN instance and is equivalent to calling JaegerCAN and then start.

  • profile (Optional[str]) – The name of the profile that defines the bus interface, or None to use the default configuration.

  • fps (FPS | None) – The focal plane system.

  • interface_type (Optional[str]) – One of INTERFACES. Cannot be used with profile.

  • channels (list | tuple) – A list of channels to be used to instantiate the interfaces.

  • interface_args (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments to pass to the interfaces when initialising it (e.g., port, baudrate, etc).

Return type:


static print_profiles()[source]

Prints interface profiles and returns a list of profile names.

Return type:



Clears completed commands.


Sends messages to the interface.

This method exists separate from _process_queue so that it can be used to send command messages to the interface synchronously.


cmd (Command)


Stops the interfaces.

jaeger.can.INTERFACES = {'cannet': {'class': <class 'jaeger.interfaces.cannet.CANNetBus'>, 'multibus': True}, 'slcan': {'class': None, 'multibus': False}, 'socketcan': {'class': None, 'multibus': False}, 'virtual': {'class': <class 'jaeger.interfaces.virtual.VirtualBus'>, 'multibus': False}}

Accepted CAN interfaces and whether they are multibus.


class jaeger.chiller.ChillerBot(fps)[source]

Bases: BaseBot

Manages the FPS chiller.


fps (FPS)


class jaeger.fps.BaseFPS(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Dict[int, Positioner]

A class describing the Focal Plane System.

This class includes methods to read the layout and construct positioner objects and can be used by the real FPS class or the VirtualFPS.

BaseFPS instances are singletons in the sense that one cannot instantiate more than one. An error is raise if __new__ is called with an existing instance. To retrieve the running instance, use get_instance.


positioner_class (ClassVar[Type[jaeger.positioner.Positioner]]) – The class to be used to create a new positioner. In principle this will be Positioner but it may be different if the positioners are created for a VirtualFPS.


alias of Positioner

add_positioner(positioner, centre=(None, None))[source]

Adds a new positioner to the list, and checks for duplicates.


positioner (int | Positioner)

Return type:


classmethod get_instance(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the running instance.

Return type:


property positioners

Dictionary of positioner associated with this FPS.

This is just a wrapper around the BaseFPS instance which is a dictionary itself. May be deprecated in the future.

class jaeger.fps.FPS(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseFPS

A class describing the Focal Plane System.

The recommended way to instantiate a new FPS object is to use the create classmethod

fps = await FPS.create(...)

which is equivalent to

fps = FPS(...)
await fps.initialise()
  • can (jaeger.can.JaegerCAN | str | None) – A JaegerCAN instance to use to communicate with the CAN network, or the CAN profile from the configuration to use, or None to use the default one.

  • ieb (bool | jaeger.ieb.IEB | dict | str | pathlib.Path | None) – If True or None, connects the Instrument Electronics Box PLC controller using the path to the IEB configuration file stored in jaeger’s configuration. Can also be an IEB instance, the path to a custom configuration file used to load one, or a dictionary with the configuration itself.

  • status (FPSStatus)


After instantiating a new FPS object it is necessary to call initialise to retrieve the positioner layout and the status of the connected positioners. Note that initialise is a coroutine which needs to be awaited

>>> fps = FPS(can='default')
>>> await fps.initialise()
>>> fps.positioners[4].status
<Positioner (id=4, status='SYSTEM_INITIALIZED|

Aborts trajectories and stops positioners. Alias for stop_trajectory.

add_positioner(positioner, centre=(None, None), interface=None, bus=None)[source]

Adds a new positioner to the list, and checks for duplicates.

Return type:


async async_status()[source]

Generator that yields FPS status changes.

async classmethod create(can=None, ieb=None, initialise=True, start_pollers=None, enable_low_temperature=True)[source]

Starts the CAN bus and initialises it.

Note that FPS.create() always returns a new instance. If you want to retrieve the currently running instance use get_instance.

  • initialise – Whether to initialise the FPS.

  • start_pollers (bool | None) – Whether to initialise the pollers.

  • kwargs – Parameters to pass to FPS.

  • enable_low_temperature (bool)

Return type:



Discards this singleton instance of the FPS.


Returns the alpha and beta positions as an array.

Return type:



Returns the alpha and beta positions as a dictionary.

Return type:

dict[int, tuple[float | None, float | None]]

async goto(new_positions, speed=None, relative=False, use_sync_line=None, go_cowboy=False)[source]

Sends a list of positioners to a given position.

  • new_positions (dict[int, tuple[float, float]]) – The new positions as a dictionary of positioner ID to a tuple of new alpha and beta angles. Positioners not specified will be kept on the same positions.

  • speed (float | None) – The speed to use.

  • relative – If True, alpha and beta are considered relative angles.

  • use_sync_line (bool | None) – Whether to use the SYNC line to start the trajectories.

  • go_cowboy (bool) – If set, does not create a kaiju-safe trajectory. Use at your own risk.

async initialise(start_pollers=None, enable_low_temperature=True, keep_disabled=True, skip_fibre_assignments_check=False)[source]

Initialises all positioners with status and firmware version.

  • start_pollers (bool | None) – Whether to initialise the pollers.

  • enable_low_temperature (bool) – Enables the low temperature warnings.

  • keep_disabled (bool) – Maintain the list of disabled/offline robots.

  • skip_fibre_assignments_check (bool) – Do not check fibre assignments.

  • self (Self)

Return type:



Returns True if any positioner is in bootloader mode.

async is_folded()[source]

Returns True if the array if folded.

async lock(stop_trajectories=True, by=None, do_warn=True, snapshot=True)[source]

Locks the FPS and prevents commands to be sent.

  • stop_trajectories (bool) – Whether to stop trajectories when locking. This will not clear any collided flags.

  • by (List[int] | None)

  • do_warn (bool)

  • snapshot (bool)

async report_status()[source]

Returns a dict with the position and status of each positioner.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

async save_snapshot(path=None, collision_buffer=None, positions=None, highlight=None, show_disabled=True, write_to_actor=True)[source]

Creates a plot with the current arrangement of the FPS array.

  • path (Optional[str | pathlib.Path]) – The path where to save the plot. Defaults to /data/logs/jaeger/snapshots/MJD/fps_snapshot_<SEQ>.pdf.

  • collision_buffer (float | None) – The collision buffer.

  • positions (dict | None) – A dictionary of positioner_id to a mapping of "alpha" and "beta" positions ({124: {"alpha": 223.4, "beta": 98.1}, ...}). If not provided, the internal FPS positions will be used.

  • highlight (int | list | None) – A robot ID to highlight.

  • show_disabled (bool) – If True, greys out disabled positioners.

  • write_to_actor (bool) – If True, writes the name of the snapshot to the actor users.

Return type:

str | Axes

send_command(command, positioner_ids=None, data=None, now=False, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a command to the bus.

  • command (str | int | CommandID | Command) – The ID of the command, either as the integer value, a string, or the CommandID flag. Alternatively, the Command to send.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int] | None) – The positioner IDs to command, or zero for broadcast. If None, sends the command to all FPS non-disabled positioners.

  • data (Any | None) – The bytes to send. See Command for details on the format.

  • interface – The index in the interface list for the interface to use. Only relevant in case of a multibus interface. If None, the positioner to bus map will be used.

  • bus – The bus within the interface to be used. Only relevant in case of a multibus interface. If None, the positioner to bus map will be used.

  • now (bool) – If True, the command is sent to the CAN network immediately, skipping the command queue. No tracking is done for this command. It should only be used for emergency and shutdown commands.

  • kwargs – Extra arguments to be passed to the command.


command – The command sent to the bus. The command needs to be awaited before it is considered done.

Return type:


async send_to_all(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a command to all connected positioners.

This method has been deprecated. Use send_command with a list for positioner_ids instead.

async send_trajectory(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a set of trajectories to the positioners.

See the documentation for send_trajectory.


trajectory – The Trajectory object.


TajectoryError – You can inspect the Trajectory object by capturing the error and accessing error.trajectory.


Sets the status of the FPS.


status (FPSStatus)

async shutdown()[source]

Stops pollers and shuts down all remaining tasks.

async start_can()[source]

Starts the JaegerCAN interface.

async stop_trajectory(clear_flags=False)[source]

Stops all the positioners without clearing collided flags.


clear_flags – If True, sends STOP_TRAJECTORY which clears collided flags. Otherwise sends SEND_TRAJECTORY_ABORT.

async unlock(force=False)[source]

Unlocks the FPS if all collisions have been resolved.

async update_firmware_version(timeout=2, is_retry=False)[source]

Updates the firmware version of all connected positioners.

  • timeout (float) – How long to wait before timing out the command.

  • is_retry (bool) – A flag to determine whether the function is being called as a retry if the previous command timed out.

Return type:


async update_position(positioner_ids=None, timeout=2, is_retry=False)[source]

Updates positions.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int] | None) – The list of positioners to update. If None, update all initialised positioners.

  • timeout (float) – How long to wait before timing out the command.

  • is_retry (bool) – A flag to determine whether the function is being called as a retry if the previous command timed out.

Return type:

ndarray | bool

async update_status(positioner_ids=None, timeout=2, is_retry=False)[source]

Update statuses for all positioners.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int] | None) – The list of positioners to update. If None, update all positioners.

  • timeout (float) – How long to wait before timing out the command.

  • is_retry (bool) – A flag to determine whether the function is being called as a retry if the previous command timed out.

Return type:


property configuration

Returns the configuration.

property locked

Returns True if the FPS is locked.

property moving

Returns True if any of the positioners is moving.


class jaeger.fvc.FVC(site, command=None)[source]

Bases: object

Focal View Camera class.

  • site (str)

  • command (Optional[Command[JaegerActor]])

async apply_correction(offsets=None)[source]

Applies the offsets. Fails if the trajectory is collided or deadlock.


offsets (DataFrame | None)

calculate_offsets(reported_positions, fibre_data=None, k=None, max_correction=None)[source]

Determines the offset to apply to the currently reported positions.

Measured wok positions from the fibre data are converted to positioner coordinates. An alpha/beta offset is calculated with respect to the expected positions. The offsets is then applied to the current positions as self-reported by the positioners. Optionally, the offset can be adjusted using a PID loop.

  • reported_positions (ndarray) – Reported positions for the positioners as a numpy array. Usually the output of FPS.get_positions.

  • fibre_data (DataFrame | None) – The fibre data table. Only the metrology entries are used. Must have the xwok_measured and ywok_measured column populated. If None, uses the data frame calculated when process_fvc_image last run.

  • k (float | None) – The fraction of the correction to apply.

  • max_correction (float | None) – The maximum offset allowed per robot and arm, in degrees. Corrections larger than max_offset are clipped.


new_positions – The new alpha and beta positions as a Polars dataframe indexed by positions ID. If None, uses the value fvc.k from the configuration.

Return type:


async expose(exposure_time=5.0, stack=1, use_tron_fallback=True)[source]

Takes an exposure with the FVC and blocks until the exposure is complete.

Returns the path to the new image. If use_tron_fallback=True and the command has not been set, creates a Tron client to command the FVC.

Return type:


log(msg, level=20, to_log=True, to_command=True, broadcast=False)[source]

Logs a message, including to the command if present.

  • msg (str)

  • level (logging._Level)

  • to_log (bool)

  • to_command (bool)

  • broadcast (bool)

process_fvc_image(path, positioner_coords, configuration=None, fibre_data=None, fibre_type='Metrology', centroid_method=None, use_new_invkin=True, polids=None, plot=False, outdir=None, loop=None)[source]

Processes a raw FVC image.

  • path (pathlib.Path | str) – The path to the raw FVC image.

  • positioner_coords (Mapping[int, tuple[float, float]]) – A dictionary of positioner ID to (alpha, beta) with the current positions of the robots.

  • configuration (Optional[BaseConfiguration]) – A configuration object to use for processing. If None, defaults to the current FPS loaded configuration.

  • fibre_data (Optional[polars.DataFrame]) – A Polars data frame with the expected coordinates of the targets. It is expected the data frame will have columns positioner_id, hole_id, fibre_type, xwok, and ywok. This frame is appended to the processed image. Normally this parameters is left empty and the fibre table from the configuration loaded into the FPS instace is used.

  • fibre_type (str) – The fibre_type rows in fibre_data to use. Defaults to fibre_type='Metrology'.

  • centroid_method (str | None) – The centroid method to use, one of "nudge", "sep", "winpos", or "simple". Defaults to "nudge".

  • use_new_invkin (bool) – Use new inverse kinnematic to calculate alpha/beta.

  • polids (list[int] | None) – The list of ZB polynomial orders to use. If None defaults to the coordio FVCTransform orders.

  • plot (bool | str) – Whether to save additional debugging plots along with the processed image. If plot is a string, it will be used as the directory to which to save the plots.

  • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None) – The running event loop. Used to schedule the plotting of the FVC transform fit as a task.

  • outdir (str | None)


result – A tuple with the read raw image HDU (with columns flipped) as the first argument and the expected coordinates, as a data frame, as the second. The data frame is the same as the input target coordinates but with the columns xwok_measured and ywok_measured appended.

Return type:

tuple[fits.ImageHDU, polars.DataFrame, polars.DataFrame | None]


Resets the instance.


Sets the command.


command (Command[JaegerActor])

async update_ieb_info()[source]

Update the IEB data dictionary.

async write_proc_image(new_filename=None, broadcast=False)[source]

Writes the processed image along with additional table data.

If new_filename is not passed, defaults to adding the prefix proc- to the last processed image file path.

Return type:


write_summary_F(path=None, plot=True, extra_headers={}, broadcast=False)[source]

Updates data with the last measured positions and write confSummaryF.



class jaeger.ieb.FVC_IEB(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: IEB

Connects to the FVC IEB.

classmethod create(path=None)[source]

Creates an FVC instance with the default configuration.

class jaeger.ieb.IEB(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Drift

Thing wrapper around a Drift class.

Allows additional features such as disabling the interface.

classmethod create(path=None)[source]

Creates an IEB instance with the default configuration.


Re-enables the IEB instance.


Returns a list of categories.

async get_status()[source]

Returns the status of the IEB components.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


class jaeger.interfaces.BusABC(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A base CAN bus.

abstract async get()[source]

Receives messages from the bus.

async open(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Starts the bus.

This method call the _open_internal method in the subclass bus, if present. It’s meant mainly to initialise any process that needs to be run as a coroutine. Must return True if the connection was successful, False or an error otherwise.

Return type:


abstract send(msg, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a message to the bus.


msg (Message)

class jaeger.interfaces.CANNetBus(channel, port=None, bitrate=None, buses=[1], timeout=5, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BusABC

Interface for Ixxat CAN@net NT 200/420.

  • channel (str) – The IP address of the remote device (e.g., …).

  • port (int) – The port of the device.

  • bitrate (int) – Bitrate in bit/s.

  • buses (list) – The buses to open in the device. Messages that do not specify a bus will be sent to all the open buses.

  • timeout (float) – Timeout for connection.

async get()[source]

Receives messages from the bus.

send(msg, bus=None)[source]

Sends a message to the bus.

class jaeger.interfaces.Message(timestamp=0.0, arbitration_id=0, is_extended_id=None, is_remote_frame=False, is_error_frame=False, channel=None, dlc=None, data=None, is_fd=False, bitrate_switch=False, error_state_indicator=False, extended_id=None, check=False)[source]

Bases: object

The Message object is used to represent CAN messages for sending, receiving and other purposes like converting between different logging formats.

Messages can use extended identifiers, be remote or error frames, contain data and may be associated to a channel.

Messages are always compared by identity and never by value, because that may introduce unexpected behaviour. See also equals().

copy()/deepcopy() is supported as well.

Messages do not support “dynamic” attributes, meaning any others than the documented ones, since it uses __slots__.

This class is copied directly from python-can.

equals(other, timestamp_delta=1e-06)[source]

Compares a given message with this one.

  • other (.Message) – the message to compare with

  • timestamp_delta (float or int or None) – the maximum difference at which two timestamps are still considered equal or None to not compare timestamps

Return type:



True iff the given message equals this one

class jaeger.interfaces.Notifier(listeners=[], buses=[])[source]

Bases: object

Notifier class to report bus messages to multiple listeners.

  • listeners (List[Listener_co])

  • buses (List[Bus_co])


Adds a bus to monitor.


Adds a listener.


callback (Callable[[...], Coroutine[Message, Any, Any]])


Removes a listener.


callback (Callable[[...], Coroutine[Message, Any, Any]])


Stops the notifier.

class jaeger.interfaces.VirtualBus(channel)[source]

Bases: BusABC

A class implementing a virtual CAN bus that listens to messages on a channel.


channel (str)

async get()[source]

Get messages from the bus.


Send message to the virtual bus (self does not receive a copy).


msg (Message)


async jaeger.kaiju.check_trajectory(trajectory, current_positions=None, fps=None, atol=1.0)[source]

Checks that the current position matches the starting point of a trajectory.

  • trajectory (dict) – The dictionary with the trajectory to check.

  • current_positions (dict | None) – A mapping of positioner ID to (alpha, beta) with the current arrangement of the FPS array.

  • fps (FPS | None) – If current_positions is not passed, the FPS instance is used to determine the current arrangement.

Return type:


jaeger.kaiju.decollide(robot_grid=None, data=None, simple=False, decollide_grid_fallback=False, priority_order=[])[source]

Decollides a potentially collided grid. Raises on fail.

  • robot_grid (Optional[RobotGridCalib]) – The Kaiju RobotGridCalib instance to decollide.

  • data (Optional[dict]) – A dictionary of data that can be used to reload a Kaiju robot grid using load_robot_grid. This is useful if the function is being run in an executor.

  • simple (bool) – Runs decollideGrid() and returns.

  • decollide_grid_fallback (bool) – If True, runs decollideGrid() if the positioner-by-positioner decollision fails.

  • priority_list – A sorted list of positioner IDs with the order of which positioners to try to keep at their current positions. Positioners earlier in the list will be decollided last. Ignore in case of simple=True.

  • priority_order (list[int])


grid,decollided – If robot_grid is passed, returns the same grid instance after decollision. If data is passed, returns a dictionary describing the decollided grid that can be used to recreate a grid using load_robot_grid. Also returns the list of robots that have been decollided.

Return type:

tuple[RobotGridCalib | dict, list[int]]

async jaeger.kaiju.decollide_in_executor(robot_grid, **kwargs)[source]

Calls decollide with a process executor.


robot_grid (RobotGridCalib)

Return type:

tuple[RobotGridCalib, list[int]]


Dump the information needed to restore a robot grid into a dictionary.


robot_grid (RobotGridCalib)

Return type:


async jaeger.kaiju.explode(current_positions, explode_deg=20.0, collision_buffer=None, disabled=[], positioner_id=None)[source]

Explodes the grid by a number of degrees.

This coroutine uses a process pool executor to run Kaiju routines.

jaeger.kaiju.get_path_pair(robot_grid=None, data=None, path_generation_mode=None, ignore_did_fail=False, explode_deg=5, explode_positioner_id=None, speed=None, smooth_points=None, path_delay=None, collision_shrink=None, greed=None, phobia=None, stop_if_deadlock=False, ignore_initial_collisions=False)[source]

Runs path generation and returns the to and from destination paths.

  • robot_grid (Optional[RobotGridCalib]) – The Kaiju RobotGridCalib instance to decollide.

  • data (Optional[dict]) – A dictionary of data that can be used to reload a Kaiju robot grid using load_robot_grid. This is useful if the function is being run in an executor.

  • path_generation_mode (str | None) – Defines the path generation algorithm to use. Either greedy, mdp, explode or explode_one. If None, defaults to kaiju.default_path_generator.

  • ignore_did_fail (bool) – Generate paths even if path generation failed (i.e., deadlocks).

  • explode_deg (float) – Degrees for pathGenExplode.

  • explode_positioner_id (int | None) – The positioner to explode.

  • speed – Kaiju parameters to pass to getPathPair. Otherwise uses the default configuration values.

  • smooth_points – Kaiju parameters to pass to getPathPair. Otherwise uses the default configuration values.

  • path_delay – Kaiju parameters to pass to getPathPair. Otherwise uses the default configuration values.

  • collision_shrink – Kaiju parameters to pass to getPathPair. Otherwise uses the default configuration values.

  • phobia (float | None) – Parameters for pathGenMDP. If not set uses kaiju configuration values.

  • greed (float | None) – Parameters for pathGenMDP. If not set uses kaiju configuration values.

  • stop_if_deadlock (bool) – If True, detects deadlocks early in the path and returns shorter trajectories (at the risk of some false positive deadlocks).

  • ignore_initial_collisions (bool) – If True, does not fail if the initial state is collided. To be used only for offsets.


paths – A tuple with the to destination path, from destination path, whether path generation failed, and the list of deadlocks

Return type:


async jaeger.kaiju.get_path_pair_in_executor(robot_grid, **kwargs)[source]

Calls get_path_pair with a process executor.


robot_grid (RobotGridCalib)

Return type:


jaeger.kaiju.get_robot_grid(fps, seed=None, collision_buffer=None)[source]

Returns a new robot grid with the destination set to the lattice position.

If an initialised instance of the FPS is available, disabled robots will be set offline in the grid at their current positions.

  • fps (FPS | None)

  • seed (int | None)

async jaeger.kaiju.get_snapshot(path, fps=None, positions=None, collision_buffer=None, highlight=None, title=None, show_disabled=True)[source]

Plots a snapshot of the FPS and saves it to disk.

  • path (str)

  • fps (FPS | None)

  • positions (dict | None)

  • collision_buffer (float | None)

  • highlight (int | list | None)

  • title (str | None)

  • show_disabled (bool)

async jaeger.kaiju.unwind(current_positions, collision_buffer=None, disabled=[], force=False)[source]

Folds all the robots to the lattice position.

This coroutine uses a process pool executor to run Kaiju routines.



class jaeger.positioner.Positioner(positioner_id, fps=None, centre=(None, None))[source]

Bases: StatusMixIn

Represents the status and parameters of a positioner.

  • positioner_id (int) – The ID of the positioner

  • fps (jaeger.FPS | None) – The FPS instance to which this positioner is linked to.

  • centre (Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]) – The \((x_{\rm focal}, y_{\rm focal})\) coordinates of the central axis of the positioner.

  • sextant – The id of the sextant to which this positioner is connected.


Returns the interface index and bus.

Return type:

Tuple[int, int | None]

async get_number_trajectories()[source]

Returns the number of trajectories executed by the positioner.

Will return None if the firmware does not support the GET_NUMBER_TRAJECTORIES.

Return type:

int | None


Returns the correct position maskbits from the firmware version.

async home(alpha=True, beta=True)[source]

Homes the positioner.

Zeroes the positioner by counter-clockwise rotating alpha and beta until they hit the hardstops. Blocks until the move is complete.

  • alpha (bool) – Home the alpha arm.

  • beta (bool) – Home the beta arm.

async initialise(disable_precise_moves=False)[source]

Initialises the position watcher.


Returns True if we are in bootloader mode.


Resets positioner values and statuses.

async send_command(command, error=None, **kwargs)[source]

Sends and awaits a command to the FPS for this positioner.


error (str | None)

async set_loop(motor='both', loop='closed', collisions=True)[source]

Sets the control loop for a motor.

These parameters are cleared after a restart. The motors revert to closed loop with collision detection.

  • motor – The motor to which these changes apply, either 'alpha`', 'beta', or 'both'.

  • loop – The type of control loop, either 'open' or 'closed'.

  • collisions – Whether the firmware should automatically detect collisions and stop the positioner.

async set_position(alpha, beta)[source]

Sets the internal position of the motors.

async set_precise_move(mode, alpha=True, beta=True)[source]

Switches the precise moves on alpha and beta.

async set_speed(alpha, beta, force=False)[source]

Sets motor speeds.

  • alpha (float) – The speed of the alpha arm, in RPM on the input.

  • beta (float) – The speed of the beta arm, in RPM on the input.

  • force – Allows to set speed limits outside the normal range.

async update_firmware_version()[source]

Updates the firmware version.

async update_position(position=None, timeout=1)[source]

Updates the position of the alpha and beta arms.


position (Tuple[float, float] | None)

async update_status(status=None, timeout=1.0)[source]

Updates the status of the positioner.


status (PositionerStatusV4_1 | int | None)

async wait_for_status(status, delay=1, timeout=None)[source]

Polls the status until it reaches a certain value.

  • status (List[PositionerStatusV4_1]) – The status to wait for. Can be a list in which case it will wait until all the statuses in the list have been reached.

  • delay – Time, in seconds, to wait between position updates.

  • timeout (float | None) – How many seconds to wait for the status to reach the desired value before aborting.


result – Returns True if the status has been reached or False if the timeout limit was reached.

Return type:


property collision

Returns True if the positioner is collided.

property initialised

Returns True if the system and datums have been initialised.

property moving

Returns True if the positioner is moving.

property position

Returns a tuple with the (alpha, beta) position.


jaeger.utils.utils.bytes_to_int(bytes, dtype='u4', byteorder='little')[source]

Returns the integer from a bytearray representation.

  • bytes (bytearray) – The bytearray representing the integer.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype or str) – The numpy.dtype of the byte representation for the integer, or a type code that can include the endianess. See get_dtype_str to understand how dtype and byteorder will be parsed.

  • byteorder (str) – Either 'big' for big endian representation or 'little' for little end. '>' and '<' are also accepted, respectively.


integer (int) – A integer represented by bytes.


>>> bytes_to_int(b'\x00\x05', dtype=numpy.uint16, byteorder='big')
jaeger.utils.utils.get_dtype_str(dtype, byteorder='little')[source]

Parses dtype and byte order to return a type string code.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype or str) – Either a dtype (e.g., numpy.uint32) or a string with the type code ('>u4'). If a string type code and the first character indicates the byte order ('>' for big, '<' for little endian), byteorder will be ignored. The type code refers to bytes, while the dtype classes refer to bits, i.e., 'u2' is equivalent to

  • byteorder (str) – Either 'big' for big endian representation or 'little' for little end. '>' and '<' are also accepted, respectively.


type_code (str) – The type code for the input dtype and byte order.


>>> get_dtype_str(numpy.uint32, byteorder='big')
>>> get_dtype_str('u2', byteorder='>')
>>> get_dtype_str('<u2', byteorder='big')
jaeger.utils.utils.get_goto_move_time(move, speed=None)[source]

Returns the approximate time need for a given move, in seconds.

The move time is calculated as \(\dfrac{60 \alpha r}{360 v}\) where \(\alpha\) is the angle, \(r\) is the reduction ratio, and \(v\) is the speed in the input in RPM. It adds 0.25s due to deceleration; this value is not exact but it’s a good approximation for most situations.

  • move (float) – The move, in degrees.

  • speed (float) – The speed of the motor for the move, in RPM on the input.

jaeger.utils.utils.get_identifier(positioner_id, command_id, uid=0, response_code=0)[source]

Returns a 29 bits identifier with the correct format.

The CAN identifier format for the positioners uses an extended frame with 29-bit encoding so that the 11 higher bits correspond to the positioner ID, the 8 middle bits are the command number, the following 6 bits are the unique identifier, and the 4 lower bits are the response code.

  • positioner_id (int) – The Id of the positioner to command, or zero for broadcast.

  • command_id (int) – The ID of the command to send.

  • uid (int) – The unique identifier

  • response_code (int) – The response code.


identifier (int) – The decimal integer corresponding to the 29-bit identifier.


>>> get_identifier(5, 17, uid=5)
>>> bin(1328128)

Returns the SDSS Julian Date as an integer based on the observatory.


observatory (str | None) – The current observatory, either APO or LCO. If None, uses $OBSERVATORY.

Return type:


jaeger.utils.utils.int_to_bytes(value, dtype='u4', byteorder='little')[source]

Returns a bytearray with the representation of an integer.

  • value (int) – The integer to convert to bytes.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype or str) – The numpy.dtype of the byte representation for the integer, or a type code that can include the endianess. See get_dtype_str to understand how dtype and byteorder will be parsed.

  • byteorder (str) – Either 'big' for big endian representation or 'little' for little end. '>' and '<' are also accepted, respectively.


bytes (bytearray) – A bytearray with the representation for the input integer.


>>> int_to_bytes(5, dtype=numpy.uint16, byteorder='big')
jaeger.utils.utils.motor_steps_to_angle(alpha, beta, motor_steps=None, inverse=False)[source]

Converts motor steps to angles or vice-versa.

  • alpha (float) – The alpha position.

  • beta (float) – The beta position.

  • motor_steps (int) – The number of steps in the motor. Defaults to the configuration value positioner.moter_steps.

  • inverse (bool) – If True, converts from angles to motor steps.


angles (tuple) – A tuple with the alpha and beta angles associated to the input motor steps. If inverse=True, alpha and beta are considered to be angles and the associated motor steps are returned.


Parses an extended frame identifier and returns its components.

The 29-bit extended frame identifier is composed of a positioner id, a command id, and a response code. This function parses an identifier and returns the value of each element.


identifier (int) – The identifier returned by the CAN bus.


components – A tuple with the components of the identifier. The first element is the positioner id, the second the command id, the third is the command UID, and the last one is the response flag as an instance of ResponseCode.

Return type:

Tuple[int, int, int, ResponseCode]


>>> parse_identifier(1315072)
(5, 17, <ResponseCode.COMMAND_ACCEPTED: 0>)
>>> parse_identifier(1315074)
(5, 17, <ResponseCode.INVALID_TRAJECTORY: 2>)
class jaeger.utils.helpers.AsyncQueue(callback=None)[source]

Bases: Queue

Provides an asyncio.Queue object with a watcher.


callback (Optional[Callable]) – A function to call when a new item is received from the queue. It can be a coroutine.

class jaeger.utils.helpers.AsyncioExecutor[source]

Bases: Executor

An executor to run coroutines from a normal function.

Copied from

To use, do

with AsyncioExecutor() as executor:
    future = executor.submit(asyncio.sleep, 1)

Clean-up the resources associated with the Executor.

It is safe to call this method several times. Otherwise, no other methods can be called after this one.

  • wait – If True then shutdown will not return until all running futures have finished executing and the resources used by the executor have been reclaimed.

  • cancel_futures – If True then shutdown will cancel all pending futures. Futures that are completed or running will not be cancelled.

submit(fn, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Submit a coroutine to the executor.

class jaeger.utils.helpers.BaseBot(fps)[source]

Bases: object

A class that monitors a subsystem.


fps (FPS)

notify(message, level=30)[source]

Logs a message and outputs it to the actor.


message (str | dict)

async restart()[source]

Restarts the loop.

async start(delay=False)[source]

Stars the monitoring loop.


delay (float | bool)

async stop()[source]

Stops the monitoring loop.

class jaeger.utils.helpers.Poller(name, callback, delay=1.0)[source]

Bases: object

A task that runs a callback periodically.

  • name (str) – The name of the poller.

  • callback (function or coroutine) – A function or coroutine to call periodically.

  • delay (float) – Initial delay between calls to the callback.

async call_now()[source]

Calls the callback immediately.

async poller()[source]

The polling loop.

async set_delay(delay=None, immediate=False)[source]

Sets the delay for polling.

  • delay (float) – The delay between calls to the callback. If None, restores the original delay.

  • immediate (bool) – If True, stops the currently running task and sets the new delay. Otherwise waits for the current task to complete.


Starts the poller.


delay (float) – The delay between calls to the callback. If not specified, restores the original delay used when the class was instantiated.

async stop()[source]

Cancel the poller.

property running

Returns True if the poller is running.

class jaeger.utils.helpers.PollerList(pollers=[])[source]

Bases: list

A list of Poller to be managed jointly.


Adds a poller.

async set_delay(delay=None, immediate=False)[source]

Sets the delay for all the pollers.

  • delay (float) – The delay between calls to the callback. If None, restores the original delay.

  • immediate (bool) – If True, stops the currently running tasks and sets the new delay. Otherwise waits for the current tasks to complete.


Starts all the pollers.


delay (float) – The delay between calls to the callback. If not specified, uses the default delays for each poller.

async stop()[source]

Cancels all the poller.

property names

List the poller names.

property running

Returns True if at least one poller is running.

class jaeger.utils.helpers.StatusMixIn(maskbit_flags, initial_status=None, callback_func=None, call_now=False)[source]

Bases: Generic[Status_co]

A mixin that provides status tracking with callbacks.

Provides a status property that executes a list of callbacks when the status changes.

  • maskbit_flags (Type[Status_co]) – A class containing the available statuses as a series of maskbit flags. Usually as subclass of enum.Flag.

  • initial_status (Optional[Status_co]) – The initial status.

  • callback_func (Optional[Callable]) – The function to call if the status changes.

  • call_now (bool) – Whether the callback function should be called when initialising.


callbacks – A list of the callback functions to call.


Adds a callback.


cb (Callable)


Calls functions in callbacks.


Removes a callback.


cb (Callable)

async wait_for_status(value)[source]

Awaits until the status matches value.

property flags

Gets the flags associated to this status.

property status: Status_co

Returns the status.

async jaeger.utils.helpers.run_in_executor(fn, *args, catch_warnings=False, executor='thread', **kwargs)[source]

Runs a function in an executor.

In addition to streamlining the use of the executor, this function catches any warning issued during the execution and reissues them after the executor is done. This is important when using the actor log handler since inside the executor there is no loop that CLU can use to output the warnings.

In general, note that the function must not try to do anything with the actor since they run on different loops.