Source code for jaeger.ieb

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2021-05-12
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

import math
import os
import warnings

from typing import Any, Dict

from drift import Drift, DriftError

from jaeger import config
from jaeger.exceptions import JaegerUserWarning

__all__ = ["IEB", "FVC_IEB", "_get_category_data"]

async def _get_category_data(command, category) -> list:
    """Returns data about a device category."""

    ieb =
    schema =

    items = schema["properties"][category]["items"]
    measured = []

    async with ieb:
        for item in items:
            name = item["title"]
            type_ = item["type"]
            device = ieb.get_device(name)
            value = (await[0]
            if type_ == "boolean" and device.__type__ == "relay":
                value = True if value == "closed" else False
            elif type_ == "integer":
                value = int(value)
            elif type_ == "number":
                if "multipleOf" in item:
                    precision = int(-math.log10(item["multipleOf"]))
                    precision = 3
                value = round(value, precision)

    return measured

[docs] class IEB(Drift): """Thing wrapper around a :class:`~drift.drift.Drift` class. Allows additional features such as disabling the interface. """ MAX_RETRIES: int = 5 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.disabled = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._categories = None self._n_failures: int = 0
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, path=None): """Creates an `.IEB` instance with the default configuration.""" default_ieb_path = path or config["files"]["ieb_config"] default_ieb_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(default_ieb_path)) if not os.path.isabs(default_ieb_path): default_ieb_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), default_ieb_path) return cls.from_config(default_ieb_path)
[docs] def get_categories(self): """Returns a list of categories.""" if self._categories is None: categories = [ device.category for module in self.modules for device in self.modules[module].devices.values() ] self._categories = set(categories) self._categories.discard(None) return self._categories
async def __aenter__(self): if self.disabled: raise DriftError("IEB is disabled.") n_retries = 0 while True: try: await Drift.__aenter__(self) break except DriftError: n_retries += 1 if n_retries >= 5: raise DriftError("Failed connecting to the IEB.") async def __aexit__(self, *args): await Drift.__aexit__(self, *args)
[docs] def enable(self): """Re-enables the IEB instance.""" self._n_failures = 0 self.disabled = False
[docs] async def get_status(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns the status of the IEB components.""" status = {} for category in self.get_categories(): data = await self.read_category(category) for device in data: if self.get_device(device).__type__ == "relay": value = False if data[device][0] == "open" else True else: value = data[device][0] status[device] = value return status
[docs] class FVC_IEB(IEB): """Connects to the FVC IEB."""
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, path=None): """Creates an `.FVC` instance with the default configuration.""" default_ieb_path = config["fvc"]["config"] return super().create(default_ieb_path)
class Chiller(IEB): """Connects to the chiller Modbus PLC.""" @classmethod def create(cls, path=None): """Creates a `.Chiller` instance with the default configuration.""" config_file = config["chiller"].get("config", None) if config_file is None: warnings.warn("Chiller configuration missing.", JaegerUserWarning) return None return super().create(config_file)