Command API

Base classes

exception jaeger.commands.base.EmptyPool(message=None, command=None)[source]

Bases: CommandError

class jaeger.commands.base.Command(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: StatusMixIn[CommandStatus], Future[Command]

A command to be sent to the CAN controller.

Implements a base class to define CAN commands to interact with the positioner. Commands can be composed of single or multiple messages. When sending a command to the bus, the first message is written to, then asynchronously waits for a confirmation that the message has been received before sending the following message. If any of the messages returns an error code the command is failed.

Command subclasses from StatusMixIn and status_callback gets called when the status changes.

Command is a Future and must be awaited. The Future is done when finish_command is called, which happens when the status is marked done or cancelled or when the command timeouts.

Commands sent to a single positioner are marked done when a reply is received from the same positioner for the given command, or when it times out. Broadcast commands only get marked done by timing out or manually.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int]) – The id or list of ids of the robot(s) to which this command will be sent. Use positioner_ids=0 to broadcast to all robots.

  • loop – The running event loop, or uses get_event_loop.

  • timeout (float) – Time after which the command will be marked done when not all the positioners have replies. If None, the default timeout will be used. If timeout is a negative number, the command won’t timeout until all the positioners have replied.

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable]) – A function to call when the command has been successfully completed.

  • n_positioners (Optional[int]) – If the command is a broadcast, the number of positioners that should reply. If defined, the command will be done once as many positioners have replied. Ignored for non-broadcasts.

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]]) – The data to pass to the messages. If a list, each element will be sent to each positioner as a message. It can also be a dictionary of lists in which the key is the positioner to which to send the data.

  • ignore_unknown (bool) – Ignores UNKNOWN_COMMAND replies from positioners that do now support this command.

cancel(silent=False, msg=None)[source]

Cancels a command, stopping the reply queue watcher.

finish_command(status, silent=False)[source]

Finishes a command, marking the Future as done.

  • status (CommandStatus) – The status to set the command to. If None the command will be set to DONE if one reply for each message has been received, FAILED otherwise.

  • silent (bool) – If True, issues error log messages as debug.


Returns the list of messages associated with this command.

Unless overridden, returns a single message with the associated data.


Returns the formatted replies as a dictionary.

The values returned will depend on the specific command.

Return type:

Dict[int, Any]

async process_reply(reply_message)[source]

Watches the reply queue.


Callback for change status.

When the status gets set to CommandStatus.RUNNING starts a timer that marks the command as done after timeout.

bootloader = False

Whether the command is safe to be issues in bootloader mode.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID

The id of the command.

property is_broadcast

Returns True if the command is a broadcast.

move_command = False

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

property name

Returns the name of this command.

replies: List[Reply]

A list of messages with the responses to this command.

safe = False

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

timeout: float = 5

The default timeout for this command.

class jaeger.commands.base.SuperMessage(command, data=bytearray(b''), positioner_id=0, uid=0, response_code=0, extended_id=True)[source]

Bases: Message

An extended CAN Message class.

Expands the Message class to handle custom arbitration IDs for extended frames.

  • command (Command) – The command associated with this message.

  • data (bytearray) – Payload to pass to Message.

  • positioner_id (int) – The positioner to which the message will be sent (0 for broadcast).

  • uid (int) – The unique identifier for this message.

  • extended_id (bool) – Whether the id is an 11 bit (False) or 29 bit (True) address.

  • response_code (int)

List of commands

class jaeger.commands.CommandID(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

IDs associated with commands.


value (Union[str, int])


Returns the class associated with this command.

Return type:


GET_ID = 1
HALL_OFF = 117
HALL_ON = 116
class jaeger.commands.GetID(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Commands the positioners to reply with their positioner id.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)


Returns a list of positioners that replied back.

Return type:


bootloader = True

Whether the command is safe to be issues in bootloader mode.

broadcastable: bool = True

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 1

The id of the command.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

timeout: float = 1

The default timeout for this command.

class jaeger.commands.GetFirmwareVersion(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

static encode(firmware)[source]

Returns the bytearray encoding the firmware version.


Returns the firmware version string.


positioner_id (int) – The positioner for which to return the version. If None returns a dictionary with the firmware version of all the positioners that replied.


firmware – A string or dictionary of string with the firmware version(s), with the format 'XX.YY.ZZ' where YY='80' if the positioner is in bootloader mode.


ValueError – If no positioner with positioner_id has replied.

Return type:

Dict[int, str]


Returns the formatted replies as a dictionary.

The values returned will depend on the specific command.

Return type:

Dict[int, Any]

bootloader = True

Whether the command is safe to be issues in bootloader mode.

broadcastable: bool = True

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 2

The id of the command.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.GetStatus(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Gets the status bits for the positioner.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)


Returns the status flag for each positioner that replied.

Return type:

Dict[int, int]


Returns the formatted replies as a dictionary.

The values returned will depend on the specific command.

Return type:

Dict[int, int]

bootloader = True

Whether the command is safe to be issues in bootloader mode.

broadcastable: bool = True

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 3

The id of the command.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.GotoAbsolutePosition(positioner_ids, alpha=None, beta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Command

Moves alpha and beta to absolute positions in degrees.

static decode(data)[source]

Decodes message data into alpha and beta moves.


Returns the time needed to move to the commanded position.


ValueError – If no reply has been received or the data cannot be parsed.


Returns the formatted replies as a dictionary.

The values returned will depend on the specific command.

Return type:

Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]]

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 30

The id of the command.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

class jaeger.commands.GotoRelativePosition(positioner_ids, alpha=None, beta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: GotoAbsolutePosition

Moves alpha and beta a relative number of degrees.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 31

The id of the command.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

class jaeger.commands.GetActualPosition(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Gets the current position of the alpha and beta arms.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

static encode(alpha, beta)[source]

Returns the position as a bytearray in positioner units.


Returns the positions of alpha and beta in degrees.


ValueError – If no reply has been received or the data cannot be parsed.

Return type:

Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]]


Returns the formatted replies as a dictionary.

The values returned will depend on the specific command.

Return type:

Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]]

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 32

The id of the command.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.SetActualPosition(positioner_ids, alpha=None, beta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Command

Sets the current position of the alpha and beta arms.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 33

The id of the command.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.SetSpeed(positioner_ids, alpha=None, beta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Command

Sets the speeds of the alpha and beta motors.

static encode(alpha, beta)[source]

Encodes the alpha and beta speed as bytes.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 40

The id of the command.

move_command = False

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.SetCurrent(positioner_ids, alpha=None, beta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Command

Sets the current of the alpha and beta motors.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 41

The id of the command.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.goto(fps, new_positions, speed=None, relative=False, use_sync_line=None, go_cowboy=False, force=False, command=None)[source]


Send positioners to a given position using a trajectory with kaiju check.

  • fps (FPS) – The FPS instance.

  • new_positions (dict[int, tuple[float, float]]) – The new positions as a dictionary of positioner ID to a tuple of new alpha and beta angles. Positioners not specified will be kept on the same positions.

  • speed (Optional[float]) – The speed to use.

  • relative (bool) – If True, alpha and beta are considered relative angles.

  • use_sync_line (bool | None) – Whether to use the SYNC line to start the trajectories.

  • go_cowboy (bool) – If set, does not create a kaiju-safe trajectory. Use at your own risk.

  • force (bool) – If go_cowboy=False and the trajectory is deadlocked, a TrajectoryError will be raised. Use force=True to apply the trajectory anyway.

  • command (CluCommand[JaegerActor] | None) – A command to pass to send_trajectory to output additional information.

Bootloader commands

class jaeger.commands.StartFirmwareUpgrade(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

bootloader = True

Whether the command is safe to be issues in bootloader mode.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 200

The id of the command.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.SendFirmwareData(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

bootloader = True

Whether the command is safe to be issues in bootloader mode.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 201

The id of the command.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

async jaeger.commands.load_firmware(fps, firmware_file, positioners=None, messages_per_positioner=None, force=False, show_progressbar=False, progress_callback=None, stop_logging=True)[source]

Convenience function to run through the steps of loading a new firmware.

This function is a coroutine and not intendend for direct use. Use the jaeger CLI instead.

  • fps (FPS) – FPS instance to which the commands will be sent.

  • firmware_file (str | pathlib.Path) – Binary file containing the firmware to load.

  • positioners (Optional[List[int]]) – A list of positioner ids whose firmware to update, or None to update all the positioners in fps.

  • messages_per_positioner (Optional[int]) – How many messages to send to each positioner at once. This can improve the performance but also overflow the CAN bus buffer. With the default value of None, reverts to the configuration value positioner.firmware_messages_per_positioner.

  • force (bool) – Forces the firmware load to continue even if some positioners are not responding or are not in bootloader mode.

  • show_progressbar (bool) – Whether to show a progress bar.

  • progress_callback (Optional[Callable[[int, int], Any]]) – A function to call as data gets transferred to the positioners. The callback is called with (current_chunk, n_chuck) where current_chunk is the number of the data chunk being sent and n_chunk is the total number of chunks in the data package.

  • stop_logging (bool) – Disable logging to file for the CAN logger to improve performance.

Trajectory commands

class jaeger.commands.Trajectory(fps, trajectories, dump=True, extra_dump_data={})[source]

Bases: object

Prepares and sends a trajectory to the FPS.

Most user will prefer using FPS.send_trajectory, which automates the process. This class provides fine-grain control over the process.

  • fps (FPS) – The instance of FPS that will receive the trajectory.

  • trajectories (str | pathlib.Path | TrajectoryDataType) – Either a path to a YAML file to read or a dictionary with the trajectories. In either case the format must be a dictionary in which the keys are the positioner_ids and each value is a dictionary containing two keys: alpha and beta, each pointing to a list of tuples (position, time), where position is in degrees and time is in seconds.

  • dump (bool | str) – Whether to dump a JSON with the trajectory to disk. If True, the trajectory is stored in /data/logs/jaeger/trajectories/<MJD> with a unique sequence for each trajectory. A string can be passed with a custom path. The dump file is created only if Trajectory.start is called, regardless of whether the trajectory succeeds.

  • extra_dump_data (dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary with additional parameters to add to the dump JSON.

  • TrajectoryError – If encounters a problem sending the trajectory.

  • FPSLockedError – If the FPS is locked.


Given the following two-point trajectory for positioner 4

points = {4: {'alpha': [(90, 0), (91, 3)],
              'beta': [(20, 0), (23, 4)]}}

the normal process to execute the trajectory is

trajectory = Trajectory(fps, points)
await trajectory.send()    # Sends the trajectory but does not yet execute it.
await trajectory.start()   # This starts the trajectory (positioners move).
async abort_trajectory()[source]

Aborts the trajectory transmission.


Dumps the trajectory to a JSON file.


path (str | None)

async send()[source]

Sends the trajectory but does not start it.

async start(use_sync_line=True)[source]

Starts the trajectory.


use_sync_line (bool)


Validates the trajectory.

data_send_time: float | None

How long it took to send the trajectory.

move_time: float | None

The time required to complete the trajectory.


Number of points sent to each positioner as a tuple (alpha, beta).

async jaeger.commands.send_trajectory(fps, trajectories, use_sync_line=None, send_trajectory=True, start_trajectory=True, command=None, dump=True, extra_dump_data={})[source]

Sends a set of trajectories to the positioners.

This is a low-level function that raises errors when a problem is encountered. Most users should use FPS.send_trajectory instead. send_trajectory automates Trajectory by calling the different methods in order, but provides less control.

  • fps (FPS) – The instance of FPS that will receive the trajectory.

  • trajectories (str | pathlib.Path | TrajectoryDataType) – Either a path to a YAML file to read or a dictionary with the trajectories. In either case the format must be a dictionary in which the keys are the positioner_ids and each value is a dictionary containing two keys: alpha and beta, each pointing to a list of tuples (position, time), where position is in degrees and time is in seconds.

  • use_sync_line (bool | None) – If True, the SYNC line will be used to synchronise the beginning of all trajectories. Otherwise a START_TRAJECTORY command will be sent over the CAN network. If None, defaults to the configuration parameter.

  • send_trajectory (bool) – If True, sends the trajectory to the positioners and returns the Trajectory instance.

  • start_trajectory (bool) – If True, runs the trajectory after sending it. Otherwise, returns the Trajectory instance after sending the data. Ignored if send_trajectory=False.

  • command (Optional[CluCommand[JaegerActor]]) – A command to which to output informational messages.

  • dump (bool | str) – Whether to dump a JSON with the trajectory to disk. If True, the trajectory is stored in /data/logs/jaeger/trajectories/<MJD> with a unique sequence for each trajectory. A string can be passed with a custom path. The dump file is created only if Trajectory.start is called, regardless of whether the trajectory succeeds.

  • extra_dump_data (dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary with additional parameters to add to the dump JSON.

  • TrajectoryError – If encounters a problem sending the trajectory.

  • FPSLockedError – If the FPS is locked.

Return type:



>>> fps = FPS()
>>> await fps.initialise()

# Send a trajectory with two points for positioner 4
>>> await fps.send_trajectory({4: {'alpha': [(90, 0), (91, 3)],
                                   'beta': [(20, 0), (23, 4)]}})
class jaeger.commands.SendNewTrajectory(positioner_ids, n_alpha=None, n_beta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Command

Starts a new trajectory and sends the number of points.

static get_data(n_alpha, n_beta)[source]

Returns the data bytearray from a pair for (n_alpha, n_beta).

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 10

The id of the command.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

class jaeger.commands.SendTrajectoryData(positioner_ids, positions=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Command

Sends a data point in the trajectory.

This command sends multiple messages that represent a full trajectory.


positions (list) – A list of tuples in which the first element is the angle, in degrees, and the second is the associated time, in seconds.


>>> SendTrajectoryData([(90, 10), (88, 12), (80, 20)])
static calculate_positions(positions)[source]

Converts angle-time posions to bytes data.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 11

The id of the command.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

class jaeger.commands.TrajectoryDataEnd(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Indicates that the transmission for the trajectory has ended.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 12

The id of the command.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

class jaeger.commands.SendTrajectoryAbort(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Aborts sending a trajectory.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 13

The id of the command.

move_command = False

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.StartTrajectory(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Starts the trajectories.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

broadcastable: bool = True

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 14

The id of the command.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

class jaeger.commands.StopTrajectory(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Stop the trajectories.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

broadcastable: bool = True

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

command_id: CommandID = 15

The id of the command.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

Calibration commands

async jaeger.commands.calibration.calibrate_positioners(fps, axis, positioner_ids, motors=True, datums=True, cogging=True)[source]

Runs the calibration process and saves it to the internal memory.

  • fps (FPS) – The instance of FPS that will receive the trajectory.

  • axis (str) – The axis to calibrate, either "alpha", "beta", or "both".

  • positioner_id – The ID of the positioner(s) to calibrate.

  • motors (bool) – Whether to perform the motor calibration.

  • datums (bool) – Whether to perform the datums calibration.

  • cogging (bool) – Whether to perform the cogging calibration (may take more than one hour).

  • positioner_ids (int | list[int])


JaegerError – If encounters a problem during the process.


>>> fps = FPS()
>>> await fps.initialise()

# Calibrate positioner 31.
>>> await calibrate_positioner(fps, 31)
class jaeger.commands.calibration.StartDatumCalibration(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Indicates that the transmission for the trajectory has ended.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

command_id: CommandID = 23

The id of the command.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

replies: List[Reply]

A list of messages with the responses to this command.

class jaeger.commands.calibration.StartMotorCalibration(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Aborts sending a trajectory.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

command_id: CommandID = 26

The id of the command.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

replies: List[Reply]

A list of messages with the responses to this command.

class jaeger.commands.calibration.StartCoggingCalibration(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Starts the trajectories.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

command_id: CommandID = 47

The id of the command.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

move_command = True

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

replies: List[Reply]

A list of messages with the responses to this command.

class jaeger.commands.calibration.SaveInternalCalibration(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Stop the trajectories.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

command_id: CommandID = 53

The id of the command.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

move_command = False

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

replies: List[Reply]

A list of messages with the responses to this command.

class jaeger.commands.calibration.HallOn(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Turns hall sensors ON.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

command_id: CommandID = 116

The id of the command.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

move_command = False

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

replies: List[Reply]

A list of messages with the responses to this command.

class jaeger.commands.calibration.HallOff(positioner_ids, timeout=None, done_callback=None, n_positioners=None, data=None, ignore_unknown=True)[source]

Bases: Command

Turns hall sensors ON.

  • positioner_ids (int | List[int])

  • timeout (Optional[float])

  • done_callback (Optional[Callable])

  • n_positioners (Optional[int])

  • data (Union[None, data_co, Dict[int, data_co]])

  • ignore_unknown (bool)

command_id: CommandID = 117

The id of the command.

broadcastable: bool = False

Whether the command can be broadcast to all robots.

move_command = False

Whether this command produces a positioner move.

safe = True

Whether it’s safe to execute this command when the FPS is locked.

replies: List[Reply]

A list of messages with the responses to this command.