Source code for jaeger.can

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2018-08-27
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import binascii
import collections
import pprint
import re
import socket
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from typing import (

import jaeger
from jaeger import can_log, config, log, start_file_loggers
from jaeger.commands import Command, CommandID, EmptyPool
from jaeger.exceptions import JaegerCANError
from jaeger.interfaces import BusABC, CANNetBus, Message, Notifier, VirtualBus
from jaeger.maskbits import CommandStatus
from jaeger.utils import Poller, parse_identifier

    from can.interfaces.slcan import slcanBus  # type: ignore
    from can.interfaces.socketcan import SocketcanBus  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    SocketcanBus = None
    slcanBus = None

    from .fps import FPS

__all__ = ["JaegerCAN", "CANnetInterface", "INTERFACES"]

LOG_HEADER = "({}, {cmd.command_uid}):"

#: Accepted CAN interfaces and whether they are multibus.
    "slcan": {"class": slcanBus, "multibus": False},
    "socketcan": {"class": SocketcanBus, "multibus": False},
    "virtual": {"class": VirtualBus, "multibus": False},
    "cannet": {"class": CANNetBus, "multibus": True},

Bus_co = TypeVar("Bus_co", bound="BusABC")
T = TypeVar("T", bound="JaegerCAN")

[docs] @dataclass class JaegerCAN(Generic[Bus_co]): """A CAN interface with a command queue and reply handling. Provides support for multi-channel CAN networks, with each channel being able to host more than one bus. The recommended way to instantiate a new `.JaegerCAN` object is using the `.create` classmethod :: can = await JaegerCAN.create(...) which is equivalent to :: can = JaegerCAN(...) await can.start() Parameters ---------- interface_type One of `~jaeger.can.INTERFACES`. channels A list of channels to be used to instantiate the interfaces. fps The focal plane system. interface_args Keyword arguments to pass to the interfaces when initialising it (e.g., port, baudrate, etc). """ interface_type: str channels: list | tuple fps: Optional[jaeger.fps.FPS] = None interface_args: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) def __post_init__(self): if self.interface_type not in INTERFACES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid interface {self.interface_type}.") # Start can file logger if config["debug"] is True: start_file_loggers(start_log=False, start_can=True) # List of interfaces for each channel. self.interfaces: List[Bus_co] = [] self.multibus: bool = False self._started: bool = False # Currently running commands. self.running_commands: Dict[int, Command] = {} self.command_queue: asyncio.Queue[Command] | None = None self._command_queue_task: asyncio.Task | None = None self.notifier: Notifier | None = None async def start(self: T) -> T: self.stop() itype = self.interface_type InterfaceClass: Type[Bus_co] = INTERFACES[itype]["class"] self.multibus = INTERFACES[itype]["multibus"] if not isinstance(self.channels, (list, tuple)): self.channels = [self.channels] for channel in self.channels: iargs = "".join([f" {k}={repr(v)}" for k, v in self.interface_args.items()]) log.debug(f"creating interface {itype}, channel={channel!r}{iargs}.") try: interface = InterfaceClass(channel, **self.interface_args) result = await if result is False: raise ConnectionError() self.interfaces.append(interface) except ConnectionResetError: log.error( f"connection to {itype}:{channel} failed. " "Possibly another instance is connected to the device." ) except (socket.timeout, ConnectionError, ConnectionRefusedError, OSError): log.error(f"connection to {itype}:{channel} failed.") except Exception as ee: raise ee.__class__(f"connection to {itype}:{channel} failed: {ee}.") self.command_queue = asyncio.Queue() self._command_queue_task = asyncio.create_task(self._process_command_queue()) self.notifier = Notifier( listeners=[self._process_reply_queue], buses=self.interfaces, ) self._started = True return self
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the interfaces.""" if self.notifier: self.notifier.stop() self.notifier = None for interface in self.interfaces: interface: Any try: interface.close() except AttributeError: pass self.interfaces = [] if self._command_queue_task: self._command_queue_task.cancel() self._started = False
[docs] @classmethod async def create( cls, profile: Optional[str] = None, fps: FPS | None = None, interface_type: Optional[str] = None, channels: list | tuple = [], interface_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> "JaegerCAN": """Create and initialise a new bus interface from a configuration profile. This is the preferred method to initialise a new `.JaegerCAN` instance and is equivalent to calling ``JaegerCAN`` and then `~.JaegerCAN.start`. Parameters ---------- profile The name of the profile that defines the bus interface, or `None` to use the default configuration. fps The focal plane system. interface_type One of `~jaeger.can.INTERFACES`. Cannot be used with ``profile``. channels A list of channels to be used to instantiate the interfaces. interface_args Keyword arguments to pass to the interfaces when initialising it (e.g., port, baudrate, etc). """ if profile is not None or (profile is None and interface_type is None): if "profiles" not in config: raise ValueError("No 'interfaces' section in the configuration file.") if profile is None: if "default" not in config["profiles"]: raise ValueError("Default interface not defined in configuration.") profile = config["profiles"]["default"] if profile not in config["profiles"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid interface profile {profile}") config_data = config["profiles"][profile].copy() interface_type = config_data.pop("interface") if interface_type not in INTERFACES: raise ValueError(f"invalid interface {interface_type}") if "channel" in config_data: channels = [config_data.pop("channel")] elif "channels" in config_data: channels = config_data.pop("channels") assert isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)), "channels must be a list" else: raise KeyError("channel or channels key not found.") interface_args = config_data elif profile is not None and interface_type is not None: raise JaegerCANError("profile and interface_type are mutually exclusive.") if interface_type == "cannet": cls = CANnetInterface assert interface_type, "interface_type not set. This should not have happened." instance = cls( interface_type, channels=channels, fps=fps, interface_args=interface_args, ) await instance.start() return instance
[docs] def refresh_running_commands(self): """Clears completed commands.""" rc = self.running_commands self.running_commands = {key: cmd for key, cmd in rc.items() if not cmd.done()}
async def _process_command_queue(self): """Processes messages in the command queue.""" assert self.command_queue while True: cmd = await self.command_queue.get() log_header = LOG_HEADER.format(cmd=cmd) if cmd.status != CommandStatus.READY: if cmd.status != CommandStatus.CANCELLED: can_log.error( f"{log_header} command is not ready " f"(status={!r})" ) cmd.cancel() continue try: self.send_messages(cmd) except EmptyPool: if cmd.positioner_ids == [0]: # We'll ignore this case silently since generally this happens only # with GET_FIRMWARE or GET_STATUS that can usually be delayed. loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.call_later(1, self.command_queue.put_nowait, cmd) continue except jaeger.JaegerError as ee: can_log.error(f"found error while getting messages: {ee}") continue async def _process_reply_queue(self, msg: Message): """Processes one reply message.""" positioner_id, command_id, reply_uid, __ = parse_identifier(msg.arbitration_id) if command_id == CommandID.COLLISION_DETECTED: # Sending stop trajectories causes many more robots to report a collision # so if the FPS has already been locked we ignore those. if not self.fps or self.fps.locked: return log.error( f"A collision was detected in positioner {positioner_id}. " "Sending SEND_TRAJECTORY_ABORT and locking the FPS." ) if self.fps: await self.fps.lock(by=[positioner_id]) return if command_id == 0: can_log.warning( "invalid command with command_id=0, " f"arbitration_id={msg.arbitration_id} received. " "Ignoring it." ) return command_id_flag = CommandID(command_id) self.refresh_running_commands() cmd_key = (positioner_id << 25) + (command_id << 15) + reply_uid if cmd_key in self.running_commands: running_cmd = self.running_commands[cmd_key] elif (command_id << 15) + reply_uid in self.running_commands: # Checks if the reply corresponds to a broadcast. cmd_key = (command_id << 15) + reply_uid running_cmd = self.running_commands[cmd_key] else: can_log.debug( f"[{}, {positioner_id}]: " f"cannot find a matching running command." ) return if not running_cmd.is_broadcast: if reply_uid not in running_cmd.message_uids: can_log.debug( f"[{}, {positioner_id}]: " f"matching command does not contain reply UID={reply_uid}." ) return can_log.debug( f"[{}, " f"{positioner_id}, {running_cmd.command_uid}]: " f"queuing reply UID={reply_uid} " f"to command {running_cmd.command_uid}." ) asyncio.create_task(running_cmd.process_reply(msg))
[docs] def send_messages(self, cmd: Command): """Sends messages to the interface. This method exists separate from _process_queue so that it can be used to send command messages to the interface synchronously. """ log_header = LOG_HEADER.format(cmd=cmd) if cmd.status != CommandStatus.READY: if cmd.status != CommandStatus.CANCELLED: can_log.error( f"{log_header} command is not ready " f"(status={!r})" ) cmd.cancel() return can_log.debug( f"{log_header} sending command {cmd.command_uid} " f"to positioners {cmd.positioner_ids!r}." ) can_log.debug(log_header + " sending messages to CAN bus.") messages = cmd.get_messages() for message in messages: if cmd.status.failed: can_log.debug( f"{log_header} not sending more messages " "since this command has failed." ) break cmd_key = message.positioner_id << 25 cmd_key += message.command.command_id << 15 cmd_key += message.uid self.running_commands[cmd_key] = message.command # Get the interface and buses to which to send this command. interfaces = self.interfaces bus = None is_multibus = self.multibus or len(self.interfaces) > 1 if is_multibus and message.positioner_id != 0: if self.fps and message.positioner_id in self.fps.positioner_to_bus: interface, bus = self.fps.positioner_to_bus[message.positioner_id] interfaces = [cast(Bus_co, interface)] for iface in interfaces: iface_idx = self.interfaces.index(iface) data_hex = binascii.hexlify( can_log.debug( log_header + "sending message with " f"arbitration_id={message.arbitration_id}, " f"UID={message.uid}, " f"and data={data_hex!r} to " f"interface {iface_idx}, " f"bus={0 if not bus else bus!r}." ) if bus: iface.send(message, bus=bus) # type: ignore else: iface.send(message) cmd.status = CommandStatus.RUNNING
[docs] @staticmethod def print_profiles() -> List[str]: """Prints interface profiles and returns a list of profile names.""" pprint.pprint(config["interfaces"]) return list(config["interfaces"].keys())
CANNET_ERRORS = { 0: "Unknown error <error_code>", 1: "CAN <port_num> baud rate not found", 2: "CAN <port_num> stop failed", 3: "CAN <port_num> start failed", 4: "CAN <port_num> extended filter is full", 5: "CAN <port_num> standard open filter set twice", 6: "CAN <port_num> standard filter is full", 7: "CAN <port_num> invalid identifier or mask for filter add", 8: "CAN <port_num> baud rate detection is busy", 9: "CAN <port_num> invalid parameter type", 10: "CAN <port_num> invalid CAN state", 11: "CAN <port_num> invalid parameter mode", 12: "CAN <port_num> invalid port number", 13: "CAN <port_num> init auto baud failed", 14: "CAN <port_num> filter parameter is missing", 15: "CAN <port_num> bus off parameter is missing", 16: "CAN <port_num> parameter is missing", 17: "DEV parameter is missing", 18: "CAN <port_num> invalid parameter brp", 19: "CAN <port_num> invalid parameter sjw", 20: "CAN <port_num> invalid parameter tSeg1", 21: "CAN <port_num> invalid parameter tSeg2", 22: "CAN <port_num> init custom failed", 23: "CAN <port_num> init failed", 24: "CAN <port_num> reset failed", 25: "CAN <port_num> filter parameter is missing", 27: "CYC parameter is missing", 28: "CYC message <msg_num> stop failed", 29: "CYC message <msg_num> init failed", 30: "CYC message <msg_num> invalid parameter port", 31: "CYC message <msg_num> invalid parameter msg_num", 32: "CYC message <msg_num> invalid parameter time", 33: "CYC message <msg_num> invalid parameter data", }
[docs] @dataclass class CANnetInterface(JaegerCAN[CANNetBus]): r"""An interface class specifically for the CAN\@net 200/420 device. This class bahaves as `.JaegerCAN` but allows communication with the device itself and tracks its status. """ status_interval: float = 5 def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() self._device_status = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.device_status_poller: Poller | None = None
[docs] async def start(self): r"""Starts CAN\@net connection.""" await super().start() if len(self.interfaces) == 0: return # Get ID and version of interfaces. No need to ask for this in each # status poll. for interface in self.interfaces: interface.write("DEV IDENTIFY") interface.write("DEV VERSION") # We use call_soon later to be sure the event loop is running when we start # the poller. This prevents problems when using the library in IPython. self.device_status_poller = Poller( "cannet_device", self._get_device_status, delay=self.status_interval, ) self.device_status_poller.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the interfaces.""" super().stop() if self.device_status_poller is not None: asyncio.create_task(self.device_status_poller.stop())
async def _process_reply_queue(self, msg: Message): """Processes a message checking first if it comes from the device.""" if msg.arbitration_id == 0: return self.handle_device_message(msg) await super()._process_reply_queue(msg) @property def device_status(self): """Returns a dictionary with the status of the device.""" if self.device_status_poller and not self.device_status_poller.running: raise ValueError("the device status poller is not running.") return self._device_status
[docs] def handle_device_message(self, msg: Message): """Handles a reply from the device (i.e., not from the CAN network).""" device_status = self._device_status interface_id = self.interfaces.index(msg.interface) message = can_log.debug(f"received message {message!r} from interface ID {interface_id}.") if message.lower() == "r ok": return dev_identify = re.match( r"^R (?P<device>CAN@net \w+ \d+)$", message, ) dev_version = re.match( r"^R V(?P<version>(\d+\.*)+)$", message, ) dev_error = re.match( r"^R ERR (?P<error_code>\d{1,2}) (?P<error_descr>\.+)$", message, ) dev_event = re.match( r"^E (?P<bus>\d+) (?P<event>.+)$", message, ) can_status = re.match( r"^R CAN (?P<bus>\d+) (?P<status>[-|\w]{5}) (?P<buffer>\d+)$", message, ) if dev_identify: device ="device") device_status[interface_id]["name"] = device elif dev_version: version ="version") device_status[interface_id]["version"] = version elif dev_error: if "errors" not in device_status[interface_id]: device_status[interface_id]["errors"] = [] device_status[interface_id]["errors"].insert( 0, { "error_code":"error_code"), "error_description":"error_descr"), "timestamp": str(msg.timestamp), }, ) elif dev_event: bus, event = dev_event.groups() bus = int(bus) if "events" not in device_status[interface_id]: device_status[interface_id]["events"] = collections.defaultdict(list) device_status[interface_id]["events"][bus].insert( 0, {"event": event, "timestamp": str(msg.timestamp)} ) elif can_status: bus, status, buffer = can_status.groups() bus = int(bus) buffer = int(buffer) # Unpack the status characters. If they are different # than '-', they are True. status_bool = list(map(lambda x: x != "-", status)) ( bus_off, error_warning, data_overrun, transmit_pending, init_state, ) = status_bool device_status[interface_id][bus] = { "status": status, "buffer": buffer, "bus_off": bus_off, "error_warning_level": error_warning, "data_overrun_detected": data_overrun, "transmit_pending": transmit_pending, "init_state": init_state, "timestamp": str(msg.timestamp), } else: can_log.debug(f"message {message!r} cannot be parsed.")
def _get_device_status(self): """Sends commands to the devices to get status updates.""" for interface in self.interfaces: for bus in interface.buses: interface.write(f"CAN {bus} STATUS")