Source code for jaeger.alerts

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2022-01-26
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import logging
from contextlib import suppress

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from clu.legacy.tron import TronKey
from drift import Device, Relay

from jaeger import config
from jaeger.ieb import IEB, Chiller
from jaeger.utils.helpers import BaseBot

    from jaeger import FPS

__all__ = ["AlertsBot"]

[docs] class AlertsBot(BaseBot): """Monitors values and raises alerts.""" def __init__(self, fps: FPS): super().__init__(fps) self.config: dict[str, Any] = config["alerts"] self.interval: float = self.config["interval"] self.keywords: dict[str, bool] = {} self._gfa_alerts: dict[str, bool] = {} self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets alerts and parameters.""" self.keywords = { "alert_gfa_temp_critical": False, "alert_gfa_temp_warning": False, "alert_ieb_temp_critical": False, "alert_ieb_temp_warning": False, "alert_robot_temp_critical": False, "alert_robot_temp_warning": False, "alert_fps_flow": False, "alert_dew_point": False, "alert_chiller_dew_point": False, "alert_chiller_fault": False, "alert_fluid_temperature": False, } self._gfa_alerts = {}
[docs] async def start(self, delay: float | bool = False): """Stars the monitoring loop.""" await self.stop() if delay is not False and delay > 0: await asyncio.sleep(delay) self._task = asyncio.create_task(self._loop()) if "gfa" in self.config["enabled"]: if and "fliswarm" in["fliswarm"].register_callback(self._check_gfa) else: self.notify( "Failed starting GFA alert monitoring.", level=logging.ERROR, )
[docs] async def stop(self): """Stops the monitoring loop.""" if self._task: with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): self._task.cancel() await self._task if ( and "fliswarm" in and self._check_gfa in["fliswarm"]._callbacks ):["fliswarm"].remove_callback(self._check_gfa)
[docs] def set_keyword(self, keyword: str, new_value: bool) -> bool: """Sets the value of an alert keyword and outputs it to the actor. Returns a boolean indicating whether the value has changed. """ if keyword not in self.keywords: raise KeyError(f"Invalid alert keyword {keyword}.") changed = self.keywords[keyword] != new_value self.keywords[keyword] = new_value if new_value is True: level = logging.WARNING else: level = logging.INFO # Repeatedly output the keyword if the alert is on. # Otherwise only if it changed. if new_value is True or changed is True: self.notify({keyword: int(self.keywords[keyword])}, level=level) return changed
async def _loop(self): """The main monitoring loop.""" coros = [] if "robot" in self.config["enabled"]: coros.append(self._check_robots) if "ieb" in self.config["enabled"]: coros.append(self._check_ieb) if "flow" in self.config["enabled"]: coros.append(self._check_flow) if "temperature" in self.config["enabled"]: coros.append(self._check_outside_temperature) if "chiller" in self.config["enabled"]: coros.append(self._check_chiller) while True: for coro in coros: try: await coro() except Exception as err: self.notify( f"Failed running alerts coroutine {coro.__name__}: {err}" ) await asyncio.sleep(self.interval)
[docs] async def get_dew_point_temperarure(self): """Returns the ambient and dew point temperatures.""" assert isinstance(self.ieb, IEB) temp_config = config["alerts"]["temperature"] temp = (await self.ieb.read_device(temp_config["sensor_temp"], adapt=True))[0] rh = (await self.ieb.read_device(temp_config["sensor_rh"], adapt=True))[0] # Dewpoint temperature. t_d = temp - (100 - rh) / 5.0 return temp, t_d
[docs] async def shutdown_gfas(self): """Shutdowns the GFAs without touching the rest of the FPS.""" if not isinstance(self.ieb, IEB): self.notify( "IEB not connected, cannot power off GFAs.", level=logging.ERROR, ) return self.notify("Shutting down cameras.") for gfa in range(1, 7): device = self.ieb.get_device(f"GFA{gfa}") assert isinstance(device, Relay) await await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def _shutdown_device(self, device: Device | str): """Shuts down a device.""" if isinstance(device, str): if isinstance(self.ieb, IEB): device = self.ieb.get_device(device) else: self.notify( f"IEB not connected, cannot find device {device}.", level=logging.ERROR, ) return assert isinstance(device, Relay) await
[docs] async def shutdown_fps( self, nucs: bool = False, gfas: bool = False, cans: bool = False, ): """Shutdowns the robots and optionally other electronics.""" if not isinstance(self.ieb, IEB): self.notify( "IEB not connected, cannot power off FPS.", level=logging.ERROR, ) return self.notify("Shutting down power supplies.") for ps in range(1, 7): await self._shutdown_device(f"PS{ps}") if gfas is True: await self.shutdown_gfas() if cans is True: self.notify("Shutting down CAN devices.") for can in range(1, 7): await self._shutdown_device(f"CM{can}") if nucs is True: self.notify("Shutting down NUCs.") for nuc in range(1, 7): await self._shutdown_device(f"NUC{nuc}")
async def _check_robots(self): """Checks robot temperature.""" if not isinstance(self.ieb, IEB): self.notify("IEB not connected. Cannot check robot temperatures.") return robot_config = config["alerts"]["robot"] sensor = robot_config["sensor"] temperature = (await self.ieb.read_device(sensor, adapt=True))[0] if temperature > robot_config["critical"]: changed = self.set_keyword("alert_robot_temp_critical", True) if not changed: return self.notify("Critical robot temperature reached.") await self.shutdown_fps() elif temperature >= robot_config["warning"]: self.set_keyword("alert_robot_temp_warning", True) self.notify("Robot temperature exceeds safe limits.") else: self.set_keyword("alert_robot_temp_critical", False) self.set_keyword("alert_robot_temp_warning", False) async def _check_ieb(self): """Checks IEB internal temperature.""" if not isinstance(self.ieb, IEB): self.notify("IEB not connected. Cannot check IEB temperature.") return ieb_config = config["alerts"]["ieb"] sensor = ieb_config["sensor"] temperature = (await self.ieb.read_device(sensor, adapt=True))[0] if temperature > ieb_config["critical"]: changed = self.set_keyword("alert_ieb_temp_critical", True) if not changed: return self.notify("Critical IEB temperature reached.") await self.shutdown_fps(nucs=True, gfas=True, cans=True) elif temperature >= ieb_config["warning"]: self.set_keyword("alert_ieb_temp_warning", True) self.notify("IEB temperature exceeds safe limits.") else: self.set_keyword("alert_ieb_temp_critical", False) self.set_keyword("alert_ieb_temp_warning", False) # If a GFA has caused a temperature alert and it's then disconnected # the alert won't clear because that camera stops reporting status. # To prevent that here we loop over the power status of each camera # and if it's off we disable the alert. This does not immediately disable # the alarm but next time that _check_gfa() is called it will refresh # the keywords. for gfa_id in range(1, 7): relay_status = await self.ieb.read_device(f"GFA{gfa_id}") if relay_status == "open": self._gfa_alerts.pop(f"gfa{gfa_id}", None) async def _check_gfa(self, model: dict, key: TronKey): """Check GFA temperatures.""" if != "status": return gfa_config = config["alerts"]["gfa"] camera_name: str = key.value[0] if not camera_name.startswith("gfa"): return base_temperature: float = float(key.value[17]) if base_temperature >= gfa_config["critical"]: changed = self.set_keyword("alert_gfa_temp_critical", True) if not changed: return self.notify(f"Critical GFA temperature reached on camera {camera_name}.") self._gfa_alerts[camera_name] = True # This will only run once since once we shut down the GFAs the keyword # is not output anymore. await self.shutdown_gfas() elif base_temperature >= gfa_config["warning"]: self.set_keyword("alert_gfa_temp_warning", True) self.notify(f"GFA {camera_name} temperature exceeds safe limits.") self._gfa_alerts[camera_name] = True else: self._gfa_alerts[camera_name] = False if all([value is False for value in self._gfa_alerts.values()]): self.set_keyword("alert_gfa_temp_critical", False) self.set_keyword("alert_gfa_temp_warning", False) async def _check_flow(self): """Check flow rates.""" if not isinstance(self.ieb, IEB): self.notify("IEB not connected. Cannot check flow rates.") return flow_config = config["alerts"]["flow"] sensor = flow_config["sensor"] flow = (await self.ieb.read_device(sensor, adapt=True))[0] if flow < flow_config["critical"]: self.set_keyword("alert_fps_flow", True) self.notify("FPS coolant flow is below limits.") else: self.set_keyword("alert_fps_flow", False) async def _check_outside_temperature(self): """Checks if the outside temperature is close to the dew point.""" if not isinstance(self.ieb, IEB): self.notify("IEB not connected. Cannot check outside temperature.") return temp, t_d = await self.get_dew_point_temperarure() if temp < t_d + config["alerts"]["temperature"]["dew_threshold"]: self.set_keyword("alert_dew_point", True) self.notify("Outside temperature is approaching dew point limit.") else: self.set_keyword("alert_dew_point", False) async def _check_chiller(self): """Checks the chiller status.""" if not isinstance(self.ieb, IEB): self.notify("IEB not connected. Cannot run chiller checks.") return chiller = Chiller.create() assert chiller is not None try: setpoint = (await chiller.read_device("TEMPERATURE_USER_SETPOINT"))[0] fluid_temp = (await chiller.read_device("DISPLAY_VALUE"))[0] except Exception as err: self.notify(f"Failed reading chiller values: {err}", level=logging.ERROR) _, t_d = await self.get_dew_point_temperarure() if fluid_temp < t_d + config["alerts"]["temperature"]["dew_threshold"]: self.set_keyword("alert_chiller_dew_point", True) self.notify("Fluid temperature is approaching dew point limit.") else: self.set_keyword("alert_chiller_dew_point", False) chiller_config = config["alerts"]["chiller"] supply_temp = (await self.ieb.read_device(chiller_config["sensor_supply"]))[0] if abs(setpoint - supply_temp) > chiller_config["threshold"]: self.set_keyword("alert_fluid_temperature", True) self.notify("Chiller set point is different from supply temperature.") else: self.set_keyword("alert_fluid_temperature", False) # Check if there are chiller alerts. chiller_alerts: list[str] = [] chiller_mod = chiller.modules["chiller"] for chiller_dev_name in chiller_mod.devices: if chiller_dev_name.startswith("alert_"): value: Any = await chiller.read_device(chiller_dev_name, adapt=False) if value > 0: chiller_alerts.append(chiller_dev_name) if len(chiller_alerts) > 0: self.set_keyword("alert_chiller_fault", True) self.notify( "The following chiller alerts are active: " + ", ".join(chiller_alerts) ) else: self.set_keyword("alert_chiller_fault", False)