Configuration file#

jaeger uses an internal YAML file to store configuration values. The default configuration as of version 1.6.2 is:

When jaeger is imported the default configuration is loaded. It then looks for user configuration files in $SDSSCORE_DIR/configuration/$OBSERVATORY/actors/jaeger.yaml and ~/.config/sdss/jaeger.yaml (in that order). If found, the user file is used to update the default configuration. For example, a user file such as

# file: ~/.config/sdss/jaeger.yaml

    interface: cannet
    channels: []
    port: 19228
    buses: [1, 2, 3, 4]
    bitrate: 1000000

will update the cannet profile while modifying the remaining parameters.

When running jaeger from the CLI, it is possible to pass a user configuration file by calling jaeger --config <CONFIG-FILE> .... If not provided, the configuration file discovery default to the above logic.

To prevent the beta arms to take a value below 160 degrees (the point at which collisions are possible if the folded mode is \(\beta=180\)) on can specify

safe_mode: true

And to define the minimum value of the beta arm

   min_beta: 170