Introduction to jaeger

jaeger provides high level control for the SDSS-V Focal Plane System. Some of the features that jaeger provide are:

  • Wraps the low level CAN commands for simpler use.

  • Provides a framework that is independent of the CAN interface used.

  • Interfaces with kaiju to provide anticollision path planning for trajectories.

  • Implements status and position update loops.

  • Provides implementations for commonly used tasks (e.g., go to position, send trajectory).

  • Interfaces with the Instrument Electronics Box modbus PLC controller.

  • Provides a TCP/IP interface to send commands and output keywords using the SDSS-standard formatting.

The code for jaeger is developed in GitHub and can be installed using sdss_install or by running

pip install --upgrade sdss-jaeger

To check out the development version do

git clone git://

jaeger is developed as an asyncio library and a certain familiarity with asynchronous programming is required. The actor functionality (TCP/IP connection, command parser, inter-actor communication) is built on top of CLU.

A simple jaeger program

import asyncio
from jaeger import FPS, log

async def main():

    # Set logging level to DEBUG

    # Initialise the FPS instance.
    fps = FPS()
    await fps.initialise()

    # Print the status of positioner 4

    # Send positioner 4 to alpha=90, beta=45
    await pos.goto(alpha=90, beta=45)

    # Cleanly finish all pending tasks and exit
    await fps.shutdown()

This code runs the coroutine main() until it completes. First we create an instance of FPS , the main jaeger class that contains information about all the positioners and the CAN bus. When called without extra parameters, FPS loads the default CAN interface and positioner layout. We then call start to open the CAN interface (this step can be skipped for some CAN interfaces. Otherwise it will be executed when calling initialise but a warning will be issued). The real positioner initialisation happens when calling fps.initialise. Note that initialise is a coroutine and needs to be awaited until completion. During initialisation, all the robots in the layout are queried by their status and firmware, and Positioner instances are added to fps (which is a dictionary of positioners).

Once the initialisation is complete we command the positioner to go to a certain position in alpha and beta. The Positioner.goto coroutine finishes once the move has been completed and the status reaches DISPLACEMENT_COMPLETED.

Using jaeger from IPython

Since its 7.0 version, IPython provides experimental support for asyncio. This means that it is possible to run the statements within the main() function from the example above directly in IPython interactively. Note that the support for asyncio is still tentative and should not be use for production, but it is a useful feature for quick control of the positioners and debugging.

Scheduling commands

To schedule a command you must use the FPS.send_command method, which returns a Command instance. Note that the command does not get executed until send_command is awaited

>>> fps = await FPS().start()
# We don't need to initialise the FPS to send low-level commands.
>>> cmd = fps.send_command('GO_TO_ABSOLUTE_POSITION', positioner_ids=4, alpha=100, beta=30)
>>> cmd
<Command GO_TO_ABSOLUTE_POSITION (positioner_ids=4, status='READY')>
>>> await cmd

The replies to the command are stored in the replies attribute. Here we send a broadcast command to get the status from all the connected positioners:

>>> status_cmd = GetStatus(positioner_ids=0)
>>> fps.send_command(status_cmd)
>>> await status_cmd
>>> reply = status_cmd.replies[0]
>>> reply
<Reply (command_id='GET_STATUS', positioner_id=4, response_code='COMMAND_ACCEPTED')>
>>> PositionerStatusV4_1(status_cmd.get_positioner_status())

Moving positioners and sending trajectories

Moving positioners can be done either by using the Positioner.goto method for a given positioner, or by sending a series of trajectories to multiple positioners with FPS.send_trajectory.

To move positioner 8 to \(\alpha=85,\,\beta=30\) at a speed of 1500 RPM, you can do

>>> await fps.initialise()
>>> positioner = fps.positioners[8]
>>> positioner
>>> await positioner.goto(alpha=85, beta=30, speed_alpha=1500, speed_beta=1500)

The command will asynchronously block until the position has been reached and the status is again DISPLACEMENT_COMPLETED.

Trajectories can be sent either through a YAML file or a dictionary. In both cases the trajectory must include, for each positioner, a list of positions and times for the 'alpha' arm in the format \(\rm [(\alpha_1, t_1), (\alpha_2, t_2), ...]\), and a similar dictionary for 'beta'. An example of YAML file with a valid trajectory for positioners 1 and 4 is

    alpha: [[20, 5], [100, 10], [50, 15]]
    beta: [[90, 15], [85, 18]]
    alpha: [[200, 3], [100, 15]]
    beta: [[50, 5]]

And it can be commanded by doing

>>> await fps.send_trajectory('my_trajectory.yaml')